

et maintenant...

depois da escuridao vem a luz...
mas eu ja ouvi essa historia..que se foda o ceu.

je suis fou..mais que je peux faire? ces't comme ca..

captain, light the torch so we can see the light.
-nurse, can u see it?
-i see it..
-its alive sir... and kicking

olha k bela flauta d pan...
musica hipnotizante e venenosa...
ceu..inferno...doesnt make a diference now does it?
i know my way around..
but i gotta go to where it all started..
and here is now(light it boss)

temperança...sim os 2lados da materia sao uno.

estrela...o olho do destino tolda os meus sentimentos

torre invertida....é a hora zero senhores.

truao...o mundo é meu, teu..e dele.

o dependurado...pendurado no destino, eu sei..

et maintenaint, le avenir...

le destin est sur la table

the point of no return

-the torch is dead sir!
-keep goin, he can do it..


sir im afraid ur wrong..
he choked on the rope.
hes dead..

did u look?


did he knew?

he knew sir..

might his soul rest now...

will he ever return?

no son...thats why dead men die.
and hang. as a reminder

of what, may i ask?

dont ever fall asleep..

but why didnt he choose heaven?

boy, u know he gotta go meet up with the snake.

in that ancient place...
he gotta collect what he left behind.

yes, and make his own path

"all the children are insane..."
jim morrison

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